WelcomeAdvanced Clinical Trial Data ManagementSCiAN Services is a North American leading Clinical Data Management - Biostatistics - Pharmacovigilance Contract Research Organization (CRO) and EDC solution provider.Drug developers (biotech/biopharma, and pharmaceutical companies) rely on SCiAN's 27 years of experience in IND stage clinical trials phases I-III. SCiAN's therapeutic area expertise developed in over 650 clinical trials includes oncology, CNS, infectious diseases, inflammatory / autoimmune diseases, diabetes, etc.The company's service depth is further backed by its industry renowned EDC PRO platform, including SAE PRO , TMFPRO and ISEPRO modules custom developed for small to medium size drug development companies and their clinical CROs.We invite you to review the information provided on these pages about our services and data systems and contact us when you're ready to begin work on your next clinical trial.Services ApproachClinical Trial Data CenterWhen all data systems, processes and staff integrate seamlessly in multi-layered coordination of a clinical trial, then the study is said to be managed by a Clinical Trial Data Center.The results are strikingly different from past clinical trials that progressed through disparate systems linked by manual interventions causing delays, data quality issues, or cost overrunsmore...See more text